Sunday, November 29, 2015

Vodoo Dolls and Poppets

Voodoo dolls or poppets are a form of sympathetic magick in which a representation of a person is constructed and linked to by a witness material. This witness can be made of anything close to the individual, a personal posession that is frequently contacted like an article of clothing, keys, jewelry,  or something containing their DNA, a business card, or a signature or photo. The more close the representation,  the stronger the link will be. They can be used for healing, love spells, money work, etc.

Some dolls are also constructed to embody a particular purpose and not to represent a specific individual.  They can be representative of money energy, love, or other things. They are usually inhabited by spirits through ritual to carry out a special act such as bringing in more business, finding a job, paying the rent, etc. These dolls are stuffed with charms and are fed coins or herbs or incense to keep them going.

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