Monday, November 9, 2015

Bakongo Minkisi

Minkisi are usually wooden figures, though they may also be constructed out of clay or bone or other materials. They are spiritual vessels designed to empower the owner. Some are used for healing, others are used for protection, while others are used for spiritual warfare. They often contain grave dust or are graves themselves in order to hold the spirits of ancestors. (Wikipedia 2015)
An nkisi is a personal power figure that is often riddled with nails, each representing an intention, prayer, or agreement with the spirit. Mirrors located on the figure are used to allow the spirit to see.

Each figure carries a backpack bundle. These bundles are crafted from the remnants of ritual baths. In the indigenous African spiritual system, each biome is said to carry a specific intelligence. Roots, leaves, and minerals are collected from each natural feature and bathed in, in order to confer the intelligence to the bather. The remains of the baths are saved for the figurines. (IIKDS 2015)

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