Monday, November 2, 2015

Don Croft Orgonite Cloudbuster

According to Trevor James Constable, the cloudbuster concept originated when Wilhelm Reich was at a construction site and happened to step on a metal pipe, submerging one end in a puddle of water. He then observed what appeared to be heat waves coming off of a body of water. He stepped down from the pipe and the heat waves stopped. He then repeated the experiment to the same effect.

The cloudbuster was born, an array of metal pipes designed to concentrate and direct Orgone into a body of flowing water, to which it was connected by rubber hoses. Reich used the cloudbuster to create rain in drought zones, and eventually a smaller handheld version to treat cancer patients- for which he was eventually jailed and died.

Enter Don Croft. Croft and his wife designed this model of the cloudbuster. It uses a metamaterial called orgonite, which consists of fiberglass resin, metal particles, and quartz crystals, instead of water. They claim it balances the atmosphere and brings regular rains. I found that if drought stricken, it helps to aim this at a body of water such as a sea or ocean, even if hundreds of miles inland.

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