Sunday, November 29, 2015


Karl Welz coined the term Orgonite to describe a metamaterial consisting of metal particles suspended in epoxy resin. He developed it to use in radionic devices as a source of life force energy based on Wilhelm Reich's research. (Mona Magick 2015)

Don Croft later modified orgonite by moving from iron filings and powders to include aluminum, brass, crystal quartz points, geometric forms, and with others such as Hooten, Dennis, Bradley, Dooney, and their respective online forums to include powdered and crystaline minerals, herbs and copper coils of various designs. Noted was the inclusion of electronic pulse generators to power these coils operating in the ELF band (near Schumann resonance).

Vodoo Dolls and Poppets

Voodoo dolls or poppets are a form of sympathetic magick in which a representation of a person is constructed and linked to by a witness material. This witness can be made of anything close to the individual, a personal posession that is frequently contacted like an article of clothing, keys, jewelry,  or something containing their DNA, a business card, or a signature or photo. The more close the representation,  the stronger the link will be. They can be used for healing, love spells, money work, etc.

Some dolls are also constructed to embody a particular purpose and not to represent a specific individual.  They can be representative of money energy, love, or other things. They are usually inhabited by spirits through ritual to carry out a special act such as bringing in more business, finding a job, paying the rent, etc. These dolls are stuffed with charms and are fed coins or herbs or incense to keep them going.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Crystal Balls

Crystal balls are glass or quartz spheres used for the art of divination. Some seers and fortune tellers use them for scrying, while others use the featureless surface to clear their minds to open up to intuition. They are said to work best when the sun is at its northernmost declination. (Wikipedia 2015)

 Crystal balls are often used to communicate with the spirit realm, and in some cases crystals have also been used to contain invoked spirits.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Mojo Bags and Medicine Bags

The Mojo Bag is a sachet containing herbs, roots, parchment, incense,  bone, blood, hair, fingernail clippings, gemstones,  anointing oils, and other miscellaneous contents representative of a magickal spell. It is usually carried on the person to create a specific effect. This 'portable spell' is common to voodoo and witchcraft.

Some shamen also carry herbs and medicinals to transport spirits in what are known as Medicine Bags. These are used during healing ceremonies in which the spirit is sucked out of the individual and blown into the pouch. The contents are then ritually disposed of in water, earth, wind, or fire.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Bioresonant Shirt

The Bioresonant Shirt was developed by Dr. Tom Chalko in the mid 1990s as a therapeutic device. It uses vivid colors to stimulate the mood directly through the skin. It is included in the psionic museum because one of the tools of measurement during development were auric photography.

Sunday, November 15, 2015


A wand is a tool used to focus intent. As an amplifier and focal point of psychic energy it has numerous uses. A wand can be as simple as a finger or twig, or as complex as an electronic device or laser beam.

Wands are often made of wooden cores or copper wraped in leather. The tip features a crystal or a carving or a pinecone. The sides can be inscribed and carved to suit the owner.


Crystals are geological formations of minerals that form repetitive structures. These minerals were originally thought to be living forms of rock that grew in the earth. Quartz was thought to be permanently frozen ice.

 Humanity has a long tradtiton with the healing properties of crystals.  It was universally acknowledged around the world that the energies given off by crystals helped to tune the human body much like a tuning fork strengthens the vibration of like resonators. Thus throughout history, much metaphysical study was given to the properties and traditions of various types of crystals.

 Much later it was discovered that crystals could hold information. Since then, metaphysicians have been meditatively communicating with the living matrices within the crystals to program and access their infrastructure.  One needn't be very psychicly inclined to do this, intent or prayer alone is sufficient.

Witch Balls

Witch Balls originated with glass blowing technology. Initially they were sold along side fishermen floats and encouraged to keep witches and evil spirits away. The technology also functions as a mystical doorway to transmit spells and energies to other points in space because the focal point is beyond the center of the sphere. Witch balls are hung in windows, placed in gardens, hung from Christmas trees, and associated with other holiday ornaments.  They are filled with herbs or salt and sealed. Protecting the Witches Ball is key to protecting the welfare of the home. (Ancient Pathways 2009)

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Spirit Bottles

Spirit bottles are physical anchor points from which paranormal activity can manifest. Spirit bottles are created to either carry out some purpose like drawing in business for example, are created to represent a specific ancestor or can simply be created as a general portal for activity. They are filled with dirt, fungi, herbs, minerals, and biological materials such as blood, bone, hair or fingernail clippings.  The bottles are then sealed with wax and charged by magickal ritual such as candle spells or dumb suppers.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Ellis 777 4 Knob Radionics Box

The Ellis 777 4 knob radionics box utilizes both physical and drawn circuits.  Watch this short Youtube video for a description.

Bakongo Minkisi

Minkisi are usually wooden figures, though they may also be constructed out of clay or bone or other materials. They are spiritual vessels designed to empower the owner. Some are used for healing, others are used for protection, while others are used for spiritual warfare. They often contain grave dust or are graves themselves in order to hold the spirits of ancestors. (Wikipedia 2015)
An nkisi is a personal power figure that is often riddled with nails, each representing an intention, prayer, or agreement with the spirit. Mirrors located on the figure are used to allow the spirit to see.

Each figure carries a backpack bundle. These bundles are crafted from the remnants of ritual baths. In the indigenous African spiritual system, each biome is said to carry a specific intelligence. Roots, leaves, and minerals are collected from each natural feature and bathed in, in order to confer the intelligence to the bather. The remains of the baths are saved for the figurines. (IIKDS 2015)

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Dr. Mulder Wishing Machine Radionic Box

Radionics have a rich history better left to another post.

 This box was designed for Joshua P Warren by the mystetious Dr. Mulder. It is a 9 knob device. It supposedly contains specialized Tesla coils and crystals beyond the visible potentiometers.  A wire coil encircles the stick plate. Organic glue was used on the paper face plate. The box is likely pine. This was all designed to allow for orgone flow.

 This box was incredibly affordable,  with the optional output jacks it retailed for just over $200.

Hoodoo Honey Jar

The hoodoo honey jar is composed of a collection of money and wealth associated herbs,  sands, and play or real money, submerged in honey. It is said to sweeten the people, situations, and opportunities that present themselves to the beholder. The jars are often shaken, refreshed with candle rituals, and prayed over (Psalm 23 is a popular choice) while being placed on an altar, safe, or cash register.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Don Croft Orgonite Cloudbuster

According to Trevor James Constable, the cloudbuster concept originated when Wilhelm Reich was at a construction site and happened to step on a metal pipe, submerging one end in a puddle of water. He then observed what appeared to be heat waves coming off of a body of water. He stepped down from the pipe and the heat waves stopped. He then repeated the experiment to the same effect.

The cloudbuster was born, an array of metal pipes designed to concentrate and direct Orgone into a body of flowing water, to which it was connected by rubber hoses. Reich used the cloudbuster to create rain in drought zones, and eventually a smaller handheld version to treat cancer patients- for which he was eventually jailed and died.

Enter Don Croft. Croft and his wife designed this model of the cloudbuster. It uses a metamaterial called orgonite, which consists of fiberglass resin, metal particles, and quartz crystals, instead of water. They claim it balances the atmosphere and brings regular rains. I found that if drought stricken, it helps to aim this at a body of water such as a sea or ocean, even if hundreds of miles inland.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Opening Day

Michael Ellis is the lead curator of the newly launched (just virtual at this point) Madison Psionic Museum. The Madison Psionic Museum will feature artifacts and curios of the psychotronic and spiritual design. We hope to quickly expand our collection of books, devices, and crafts to accommodate the curiosity of our readers. We hope you enjoy your visit!