Thursday, December 3, 2015

Book Reference List

Since the Holidays are just around the corner, here is a by no means comprehensive book list to get you started in your psionic research.

The Secret Art - Duncan Laurie 2009 - Radionics, Art
Practical Wand Making - Joshua P Warren 2010 - Wands
Crystal Ball Gazing - Uma Silbey 1998 - Crystals, Crystal balls
Crystal Power Crystal Healing - Michael Gienger 1997 - Crystals
Selected Writings - Wilhelm Reich 1963 - Orgone
My Conversations With Angels - Judith Marshall 2012 - Angels
Book of Lies - Richard Metzger 2003 - Occult History
Generation Hex - Jason Louv 2006 - Magick Theory
Doktor Snake's Voodoo Spellbook - Doktor Snake 2000 - Voodoo
The Black Folder - Cat Yronwode 2013 - Hoodoo
Hoodoo Bible Magic - Miss Michaele and Professor Charles Porterfield 2014 - Bible Magick
Create a Servitor Companion - John Kreiter 2015 - Thoughtforms
The Witches Book of The Dead - Christian Day 2011 - Necromancy
Magickal Angels - Damon Brand 2015 - Angels
Magical Mojo Bags - Lady Gianne 2013 - Mojo Bags
Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizzard - Oberon Zell Ravenheart 2004 - Magick

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Petition Papers

Petitions are pieces of paper or parchment on which a wish, spell, prayer, or intent has been written. These are often included in Mojo Bags. They can also be included in candle magick. A petition paper could also be made out of a photo or a dollar bill. (How to Write A Petition Paper 2015)

Sunday, November 29, 2015


Karl Welz coined the term Orgonite to describe a metamaterial consisting of metal particles suspended in epoxy resin. He developed it to use in radionic devices as a source of life force energy based on Wilhelm Reich's research. (Mona Magick 2015)

Don Croft later modified orgonite by moving from iron filings and powders to include aluminum, brass, crystal quartz points, geometric forms, and with others such as Hooten, Dennis, Bradley, Dooney, and their respective online forums to include powdered and crystaline minerals, herbs and copper coils of various designs. Noted was the inclusion of electronic pulse generators to power these coils operating in the ELF band (near Schumann resonance).

Vodoo Dolls and Poppets

Voodoo dolls or poppets are a form of sympathetic magick in which a representation of a person is constructed and linked to by a witness material. This witness can be made of anything close to the individual, a personal posession that is frequently contacted like an article of clothing, keys, jewelry,  or something containing their DNA, a business card, or a signature or photo. The more close the representation,  the stronger the link will be. They can be used for healing, love spells, money work, etc.

Some dolls are also constructed to embody a particular purpose and not to represent a specific individual.  They can be representative of money energy, love, or other things. They are usually inhabited by spirits through ritual to carry out a special act such as bringing in more business, finding a job, paying the rent, etc. These dolls are stuffed with charms and are fed coins or herbs or incense to keep them going.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Crystal Balls

Crystal balls are glass or quartz spheres used for the art of divination. Some seers and fortune tellers use them for scrying, while others use the featureless surface to clear their minds to open up to intuition. They are said to work best when the sun is at its northernmost declination. (Wikipedia 2015)

 Crystal balls are often used to communicate with the spirit realm, and in some cases crystals have also been used to contain invoked spirits.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Mojo Bags and Medicine Bags

The Mojo Bag is a sachet containing herbs, roots, parchment, incense,  bone, blood, hair, fingernail clippings, gemstones,  anointing oils, and other miscellaneous contents representative of a magickal spell. It is usually carried on the person to create a specific effect. This 'portable spell' is common to voodoo and witchcraft.

Some shamen also carry herbs and medicinals to transport spirits in what are known as Medicine Bags. These are used during healing ceremonies in which the spirit is sucked out of the individual and blown into the pouch. The contents are then ritually disposed of in water, earth, wind, or fire.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Bioresonant Shirt

The Bioresonant Shirt was developed by Dr. Tom Chalko in the mid 1990s as a therapeutic device. It uses vivid colors to stimulate the mood directly through the skin. It is included in the psionic museum because one of the tools of measurement during development were auric photography.