Thursday, December 3, 2015

Book Reference List

Since the Holidays are just around the corner, here is a by no means comprehensive book list to get you started in your psionic research.

The Secret Art - Duncan Laurie 2009 - Radionics, Art
Practical Wand Making - Joshua P Warren 2010 - Wands
Crystal Ball Gazing - Uma Silbey 1998 - Crystals, Crystal balls
Crystal Power Crystal Healing - Michael Gienger 1997 - Crystals
Selected Writings - Wilhelm Reich 1963 - Orgone
My Conversations With Angels - Judith Marshall 2012 - Angels
Book of Lies - Richard Metzger 2003 - Occult History
Generation Hex - Jason Louv 2006 - Magick Theory
Doktor Snake's Voodoo Spellbook - Doktor Snake 2000 - Voodoo
The Black Folder - Cat Yronwode 2013 - Hoodoo
Hoodoo Bible Magic - Miss Michaele and Professor Charles Porterfield 2014 - Bible Magick
Create a Servitor Companion - John Kreiter 2015 - Thoughtforms
The Witches Book of The Dead - Christian Day 2011 - Necromancy
Magickal Angels - Damon Brand 2015 - Angels
Magical Mojo Bags - Lady Gianne 2013 - Mojo Bags
Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizzard - Oberon Zell Ravenheart 2004 - Magick

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Petition Papers

Petitions are pieces of paper or parchment on which a wish, spell, prayer, or intent has been written. These are often included in Mojo Bags. They can also be included in candle magick. A petition paper could also be made out of a photo or a dollar bill. (How to Write A Petition Paper 2015)